Applying New solutions for Cultural Heritage protection by Innovative, Scientific, social and economic Engagement
2023 - 2026
ANCHISE: methods, knowledge and toolkit to enhance the protection of cultural heritage against looting and illicit trafficking.
Understand, Prevent, Act, Repair.
ANCHISE aims to build a global and comprehensive answer to meet the challenges of effective protection of cultural heritage in Europe, for both antiquities and modern cultural goods, in order to provide sustainable and replicable solutions. Its assumption is that addressing this topic implies a bottom-up process, which will build a global and comprehensive approach at every stage of the analysis.
​Crossing the methodology of networking that has proved its efficiency in the H2020 NETCHER project with the innovative results of new technologies developments (H2020 PREVISION, H2020 MAGNETO), ANCHISE will create an operational set of tools applicable for European contexts and replicable in other situations abroad.

7 countries

15 partners

1 platform