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Publication of the first ANCHISE call for papers

We are delighted to share the call for papers for our upcoming symposium “The economic and social context of illicit trafficking in archaeological artefacts.” which will take place on 8-9 November 2023 in Poitiers, France.

ANCHISE aims to build a global and comprehensive answer to meet the challenges of effective protection of cultural heritage in Europe, for both antiquities and modern cultural goods, in order to provide sustainable and replicable solutions. In the framework of this project, the laboratory HERMA of the University of Poitiers and the European University Institute of Florence, partners of the ANCHISE Project, are organizing a two-day conference on the economic and social context of illicit trafficking in archaeological artefacts.

This two-day symposium aims to invite both young and confirmed researchers on the economic and social contexts underlying the illicit trade of cultural and archaeological objects from the source to the markets. The objective is to understand and explore the various forms of illicit trafficking in cultural goods, the framework in which they develop and the economic interests that such a market is moving. Therefore, 4 main axes have been identified as part of the call:

  • AXE 1: Political economics and sociology of trafficking in cultural property.

  • AXE 2: Cross-views: archaeology facing the looting and trafficking in the Mediterranean and the Middle East areas.

  • AXE 3: Actors and roads, circulation and money laundering.

  • AXE 4: Art market and fight against illicit trafficking: observations and perspectives

Share your research and join us in Poitiers!

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